Demonstration for democracy -contre le CST

posté le 22/01/22
lieu : Gare du Nord Bruxelles
Mots-clés  luttes sociales  répression / contrôle social 

The recent events show us action is needed. We aim for no less than the biggest demo in western europe to make this statement :
For freedom
For democracy
For human rights
... and we will never give up !

January 23, at Noordstation/Gare Du Nord. We start the march at 12. You can join till 14.

Most of those expenses are payed for by the organisers and gifts but after a year of demonstrations our pockets are almost empty. That is the price we payed for our ideals.

To pay for promotion, a professional stage and tools for our prefessional team of stewards, we’re still in need of support.
any amount helps, thank you so much for your support !

if you can’t come and can’t fund, you can still support us by spreading this event on your personal profile. It is all of us together who makes this big for a common cause.

Facebook :

Website :

Telegram :

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