posté le 12/11/14
Mots-clés  luttes sociales  alternatives  logement / squats / urbanisme 

2 days full of WORKSHOPS, DISCUSSIONS and more !
Let’s share skills in squatting & not getting illegally evicted !

Utrecht invites you this time...
See you there !
Bring your sleeping gear.

posté le Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
Liste des documents liés à la contribution

  • 25 novembre 2014 12:49, par ttt

    Practical points :
    - The LOK part of this gathering will start on Saturday at 12:30 and will take up most of the day.
    - For people that do not know where to go, gather at 11:30 sharp at ACU (Voorstraat 71, Utrecht). There will be people to help you on your way.
    - If you plan to spend the night, be aware that there are a limited amount of mattresses and blankets available so bring your own !


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