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FRACKANPADA! Programme & Arrival Update

gepost op 03/07/15 door nn Trefwoorden  actie  alternatives  luttes environnementales 

The count down for Frackanpada continues: in a week from now the camp will be built and in 10 days the activities start! We expect around 500 people to join us from around Europe. Everything seems set to challenge fracking in this region and elsewhere!

The programme is bursting! Groups from around Europe have joined in to organise workshops, discussions and skill-sharing. There will be a day of action as well as some concerts. This link gives info on the programme: and on the website there is more info in other languages as well.

How to get there
Feel welcome to write to for travel tips or possibilities for carsharing. If you are coming with a car and have space, let us know!

The nearest city is Vitoria/Gasteiz (the camp is close to a nearby village). International transport connections to Vitoria/Gasteiz are many!

In Vitoria/Gasteiz, you can contact the info-point in the city for transport to the camp or take the bus from the bus station with the normal bus schedule, which will be running before the camp. The line is 50B. The name of the stop is “Subillabide”. "Nanclares" is the direction you want to take from Vitoria/Gasteiz. From Subillabide, we’ll have signs up directing folks to the camp.
The bus station in Vitoria/Gasteiz: Euskaltzaindia Plaza

Contact point / info phone
The info-phone for Frackanpada is +34 688 820 185 (Spanish & English speaking)
The main point for information is at the entrance of the camp. Should you be in Vitoria/Gasteiz and need info or support - you can find the info-point on the street Cercas bajas 30 (sign = FrackingEZ).

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