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Evacuate if you want the city to burn!„Räumt – wenn ihr wollt, dass die Stadt brennt!“

gepost op 20/03/18 door Anonar Trefwoorden  luttes sociales  logement / squats / urbanisme 

If in recent years political activists started a squat in Leipzig, then this was usually over after a few days. For example, in March 2016, supporters of the Social Center campaign took possession of the former driver’s license center on Platostraße, to create self-managed space for refugees and marginalized groups. After a conversation with the Mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD), they left the house again.

Similarly unspectacular ended last July, a squat in Plagwitz: Some live-in vehicles parked on an unused terrain; When the police arrived after about a week, they left the place without resistance.

What is currently happening on an approximately 10,000 square meter site of Deutsche Bahn in the south of Leipzig, is therefore a special case to local standards . For more than one and a half years, an unknown number of people live in the former substation on the Arno-Nitzsche-Straße. The area includes a large and several small buildings and a larger open space.

The railway company DB (Deutsche Bahn) had not taken care of their property in the past decades. In a letter to the squatters of the summer of 2016, the state-owned company described the buildings as "desolate, dilapidated and probably in danger of collapse". Among other reasons, therefore, the train company called the unwanted guests to clear the premises.

Civil law path without success

But they still refuse to leave the property they call "Black Triangle". Instead, they want to renovate it to create living and cultural space. Cinema, sauna, free shop and band rehearsal room already exist. Regular events such as concerts and cooking evenings take place.

For about half a year it has become a bit quieter around the "Black Triangle". At that time, the occupiers had expected that the police could clear the area soon. An "eviction ticker" informed potential supporters on the Internet about solidarity actions and police presence near the property. But since then happened: nothing.

The German Railways expressed from the beginning rather reserved about their dealings with the squatters. Whether they want to tolerate or evict, remains unanswered. "Roughly speaking, there are two ways in which the owner of a property can finish the occupation," explains Ralph Zimmermann, who teaches state and administrative law at the University of Leipzig. " By civil law and public law."

The civil law way they’ve already gone - without success. In the summer of 2016, she had obtained an order to vacate. The bailiff declined the service. She justified her refusal with the fact that the squatters are not unequivocally identifiable, so that for there can not be distinguished between permanently present people and visitors. Most recently, the Federal Court of Justice confirmed this view and rejected a legal complaint of the railway.

With martial messages against the eviction

Since civil court help is no longer to be expected, according to Zimmermann, the police authorities are now allowed to intervene. Whether this will happen is open. While the duration of the occupation and the socio-political concerns of the squatters might play not much or no role, the following could be decisive: "The police must refrain from a forced eviction, if this is entails massive riots and is only permitted in case of immediate life danger, "explains Zimmermann.

So far, the squatters have always stressed that they do not want to leave the property voluntarily. On Twitter, they spread martial messages like "Evict - if you want the city to burn!". Already in 2016, unknown people carried out an arson attack on railway property in as a sign of solidarity with the "Black Triangle". Crucial to the future of the project could therefore be the question of how violent the police assess the squatters and their supporters.

gepost op  door Anonar  Waarschuw het moderatiecollectief over de publicatie van dit artikel. Artikel afdrukken


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