International Animal Rights Gathering

gepost op 08/08/13
lieu : Animaux en péril
adresse : Chemin de la Praye, 15A, 1420 Braine l'Alleud
Trefwoorden  libération animale 

The 16th annual International Animal Rights Gathering will take place from August 16th-18th, 2013 in Belgium.

It will be held at the beautiful animal sanctuary Animaux en Péril near the city of Ath. Please see the information page for further details.

On August the 11th we will provide a phone number for further inquiries.

Food during the gathering will be provided by Just Like Your Mom, an organisation providing vegan catering, tour support and events. Make sure you check them out.

The IARG is a peaceful event based on respect for others. Fascist, racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist or any other discriminatory attitude and bigotry are not welcome, and we ask all participants to be mindful of the wide variety of people attending the IARG. Anyone with known ties to fascist or nationalist groups will be denied entrance to the gathering and will be removed from the site.

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